Hi everybody, Ive just come across this article about me in 2011.
Starlight Children Foundation from the hospital in Brisbane Australia, contacted me and ask me to come to do some halloween makeup for the little people at the hospital to cheer them up. Back in 2011 I was doing a lot of halloween makeup (Special effect makeup). It was so fun working with the kids, they got so excited and even though they are sick for a few mins they were so happy and you could see their energy changes. If any artist who like to do some charity work I would suggest contact Starlight Children foundation in their city, you give a bit of your time but the rewards is amazing seeing these beautiful face light up.
Tips for new artists, bring a little album (or some sample printed on paper) of makeup you can create for face painting or special effect if this is your first time. That way the children just pick from the album and its easy for you as well. These day you can use images on your phone but i still prefer print so its easy for the kids to pass around.
For photos of behind the scene or of your work with children, make sure you have to ask for permission (signed by parent). The photos use on my website and on the starlight children foundation website have the parent sign permission.